November 23, 2008

The Great Test: Loving Others

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November 23, 2008
1 John: The Great Test: Loving Others
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
The false teachers can be tested.
Loving God, and not the world or things therein.
Even in the worst of times, God is holding out mercy.
A repeated theme: "does what is right" or "practices righteousness"
Laying down His life; having a holy, eternally focused mission.
B. Are You Religious, or do You Love the Brethren?

1 John 3: 11
Those who practice love give proof of the new life.

1 John 3: 12
His actions toward his brother revealed his heart.
A love and concern for the brethren over and above self is the expected standard.

1 John 3: 12 - 13
Why did Cain hate Abel? The same reason we will be hated if we live righteously.

1 John 3: 14 - 15
Repentance is the right response if convicted.

C. Love is Laying Down our Lives for Our Brothers

1 John 3: 16 - 18
The picture John is giving is not an ingrown church, but...
Each of us should do an assessment.

The standard of Christian love: laying down our lives for the brethren.
We should all have a deep and growing love for...

D. Having a Clear Conscience and a Pattern of Love

1 John 3: 19 - 20
None of us love others perfectly, and that may give us doubts, but we should be able to look at the pattern of our life - not just individual failures.
Cultivate this sacrificial love through action and service.

1 John 3: 21 - 22
Assured by the fact that we have an unexplained love for the body.
Verse 22: a condition of answered prayer and a barrier to being able to love.

Doing what pleases Him: is this the goal of your life?

What stops the overflow of God's love to those around us? Sin.
Sin is primarily human self-centeredness, and a resulting self-centered life that makes it impossible to love Jesus, and to love others.

"He wants to kill the love of human praise in me."
-John Miller

He wants us to leave a trail of disciples - those who are impacted by the true love of Christ seen in our lives.

1 John 3: 23 - 24
1 John 4: 13
"We know He lives in us by the Spirit He gave us."

E. Conclusion

1 John 5: 13 - 14
An alive and vibrant relationship with God.

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