February 8, 2015

The Lamb of God

Service Type:

The Lamb of God
Pat Gatlin

John 1:29-51 “The Lamb of God!!“ This is really the theme of the scriptures in its entirety.

Gen 22:8 Where is the lamb? That’s the message of the Old Testament

Rev 5:12 Worthy is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world

This is Interesting

*In Genesis 4 - a Lamb was slaughtered in sacrifice for an individual

*But in the Book of Exodus - The lamb was slaughtered for a whole house – for the Passover

*In the book of Leviticus – chapter 23 A lamb was slaughtered for the whole nation

Even though John was older chronologically – He recognized that Jesus was God – He was Deity
John was the one who baptized Jesus. You might remember back in the OT times according to Leviticus.

*He was baptized first – Aaron and his sons - washed in water

*Then he was anointed with oil – baptized with oil

*And then blood – blood being placed upon his ear his thumb and his big toe

Lev 8:23

Heb 2:17-18

Acts 1:8 When the Holy Spirit comes upon you – you will be my witnesses – you will receive power.
Unless the Spirit comes upon you – you are powerless!

John 15:5

Phil 2:5-8 It wasn’t just because of who he was!

John 14:12-14 Have you been baptized in the Spirit?

John 20:22 Jesus breathed on his disciples and they received the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:4-5 - The Spirit is in you, but wait until the Spirit comes upon you and then you are going to be my witnesses.

Luke 11:13 We need to simply ask.

John is a true minister of the gospel. His preaching was to nudge people and send people to Jesus, Not unto himself.

*That is always the result of true ministry. When people are shifted in their allegiance – from their denominations or personalities or philosophies To Jesus Christ

2 Co 1:20 –So what am I seeking?

Ps 34:8

Rom 3:12 None of us are looking for Him

John 6:44 He sought us and drew us unto himself

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