January 5, 2014

The New Year – Wilderness or Promised Land??

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The New Year - Wilderness or Promised Land??
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro
"For the Lord will go before you" Step into the New Year thoughtfully considering the past and making adjustments but not being limited by the past

B. Wilderness mentality vs Promise land mentality
We have much to learn from Caleb
Set the stage... could Israel conquer the land?
Wilderness mentality vs Promise land mentality
Joshua 14:6-14
Caleb was living in the wilderness but he had a promise land mentality for over 40 years!
I want us to get hold of this... for 40 years in the wilderness seeming endless and growing old

Three times... “he followed the Lord wholeheartedly”
Leading to Faith, Humility, strength, vitality – promise land mentality
Adoniram Judson, 12 years in Burma with no convert
What are the prospects? 'The future is as bright as the promises of God' was his reply.'
What does it look like to follow the Lord wholeheartedly?
To follow God is to go where He goes, to desire what He desires. “Come follow Me”
Matt 28:19-20 The command and the promise

Caleb believed the promise in the wilderness – will we?
Our senses fail us in the dark... but we have our promise
Daily living according to your convictions – adjustments big and small
Faith in the wilderness

No fear of loss – 'look what we have already lost'
Hope of victory
Fully committed to the “Promise Land” purposes of God
Living like this brought humility... “God did it”
Who are God's ambassadors in changing the hearts of men?

Not intimidated by the strength of the enemy
There will always be a battle to fight

C. Let us press on to acknowledge God Hosea 6:3, 6
2Chron 25 – God has the power to help or overthrow
Resolving to acknowledge God with our time, resources, passion, etc.
There are going to be dark times where you lose sight of Him and you can't feel His presence. But He made you a promise that is just as good in the dark as the blue skies and sunshine
Lets pause as we enter the new year and reflect and consider His call and acknowledge Him...

Practical Help:
SJCC Prayer Guide
Also see ‘Training in Prayer’ message 6/5/11
Examples of New Year's resolutions.
Questions to ask yourself about your ministry – 11/01/02

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