May 22, 2005

The Purpose of the Body (Revisited)

Service Type:

May 22, 2005

The Body of Christ

The Purpose of the Body (revisited)
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Build on last week - Part 2
The purposes of the church are your purposes; you are the church

To really know God demands an active pursuit of His purpose in the world
Matthew 11: 27 - 30

Take on His yoke - His purpose and direction
B. Purpose of the church

Cannot separate
Acts 2: 42 - 47
Glorify God
1 Chronicles 16: 23 - 29
Romans 12: 1 - 2

Make Disciples - Matthew 28: 17 - 20
Reconcile the world to God - 2 Corinthians 5: 16 - 6: 1
Build up, equip, edify and purify itself - Ephesians 4: 14: 16

Acts 2: 42 - 47

Galatians 6: 9 - 10

To worship God is very much tied into being vitally connected to the body. Romans 12: 2 tells us to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship," and to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

doing (see above)

Fellowship in connection with bringing glory to God and worship
Acts 2: 41 - 47

Unity -- same purpose (see above)
John 17: 22 - 23

Even evangelism (make disciples) and worship
Acts 15: 36 - 40

Yoke of Christ and His purpose

The real criteria is not how we feel, but obedience -- the dust will come

Common factors in recent Movements of God in the church

Bathed in prayer
Training and structure
Lay leaders
New believers taught normal to share faith - an urgency to following Christ
Commitment to the Bible as undisputed authority - what will bring the most honor to Christ, and what does the Bible say?
Chronological teaching of the Bible
Cells or home churches
Intentional church planting
Cultural relevance - communal implications - western - terminology - family
A price to pay to become a Christian - screens out the uncommitted and screens out the biggest hindrance to the body fulfilling its purpose on this earth
Gather them, then win them
Humility and dependence on God

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