August 18, 2013

Vision – Come Follow Me

Service Type:

Vision - Come Follow Me
Steve Lane

A. At peace with the enemy?
Luke 11:24 – 26

Under New management (the best defense and offense)

If you are managing your own house (life) the strong man will take you

When He truly manages everything – whats next?
Luke 9:23 – 25

B. Vision - “Where there is no vision the people perish”

KJV Provebs 29:18
“Come, follow Me” John 3:16, Matt 28:18 – 20, Luke 5:10, 27 - 28
'Where are we going?'

Not compartments but for discussion:

Church - Eph 4: 11 – 16 that on a mission trip feeling
Equipped – What will you do (vision/obedience)?

Personal life – Eph 4:1
The Word, Prayer, fruit, Desire

At home – Eph 5:22 – 6:4
Unity, order, discipling, power, vision
Preparation for open heart, open home, open life

At work, at school – Eph 6:5 - 9
Excellence, humility, fruit bearing

Your Life
He opens the doors - Revelation 3:7 – 8
Jesus in your shoes – Galatians 2:20
What is your vision?

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