March 15, 2009

We Must Prove Faithful

Service Type:

The Gospel - We Must Prove Faithful
Steve Lane

A. Introduction: It is required that you prove faithful
This is from the trenches, not the victory stand.
Do you ever feel like you can't do it anymore?
Generally, in a life-long endeavor of following Jesus, you will leave a trail of disciples.
There are opportune times of struggle that may seem to be endless.
A necessary ingredient to finishing strong

What do you turn to?
1 Corinthians 4: 1 - 5
I have been entrusted with this mystery: The Gospel. (and so have you)
It is a requirement to prove faithful.
We should not judge our life or our labor too soon
Verse 2 again -- Faith is a two-way street. (Hebrews 11)

B. Review

We've been given a mission, called to share the purpose and vision of Jesus Christ in this world.
Mark 10: 29
Acts 20: 24
1 Corinthians 9: 23

All that we are called to do is within context of this mission.
John 15: 15 - 17

Outward-focused, not inward (Circling the wagons and salvation by separation)

Titanic: Many rowed to safety instead of taking the risky endeavor.

Two promises we need to meditate on and believe (Acts 1: 8 John 7: 37 - 39)
Intimacy with God... repentance and faith.
It is common to slip into an unbelieving resistance to His great command.
"And I will be with you."
"I no longer call you servants, by friends."

Two tendencies of believers, and the church in general.
1 Peter 2: 9 - 10: The basic nature of the church.
1 Peter 1: 8 - 9: In this fashion, we find our joy.

Romans 12: 1 - 2
A welcoming church - Many turn away here at the cost of discipleship.

Luke 11: 6: The praying church -- Front-line or maintenance prayer meetings.

Gospel must continue to change us. Never get too mature for the gospel.

Romans 12: 1 - 2
"A self-centered person can only devote a part of himself to God and does not put the whole man into the sacrificial fire."

1 Corinthians 4: 1 - 5
"They came to the gospel not as masters of it, but broken by its teaching about man's sin and God's grace. It made them weak-stron men."

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