January 14, 2007

What New Believers Need to Know – Conclusion

January 14, 2007

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 16

Steve Lane

A. Intro

Listen - respond

B. Review

The Word Psalm 119: 10 - 16
Yieldedness to what you read
"Acquaint thyself with God"

Fellowship Acts 2: 42 Hebrews 3: 12 - 13
What do you bring?
Roof off, walls down

Prayer Acts 4: 29 1Thessalonians 3: 10
God's desires. Feeling the weight

Breaking of bread
Didn't get too far from the cross


The mind apprehends the truth, and the heart responds

Abiding Psalm 27: 4
The yearning for the presence of God

The road we must travel for all we are to be and do

Evangelism Romans 10: 14 - 15
"...deafened by the raucous demands of our personal..."

C. What New Believers need to know

2 Timothy 2: 2, 10
Making disciples

Titus 3: 3 - 7
1 John 5: 10 - 13
You have a new life

The Word
"I saw more clearly than ever, that the first and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not, how I might serve the Lord, glorify the Lord, but how much I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished. I saw the most important thing I had to do was to give myself to the reading of the Word or God and meditation on it."

Psalm 19: 7 - 11
Deuteronomy 8: 3
2 Peter 2: 2

Romans 11: 35, 12: 1
The Father gives you Jesus. Jesus gives you everything.

Maintaining rest and surrender in the promised land

Psalm 84
Heaven on earth? Living union with Christ

Hebrews 12: 1 - 3
Resisting sin. Flee / put on your armor

Jeremiah 6: 14
Forgiveness of sin
If sin is minimized, it will not be dealt with

1 John 1: 8
Isaiah 1: 18
"The terrifying diagnosis comes with a miraculous cure." -Piper

Genesis 12: 1 - 2
John 14: 12
Be a blessing

2 Timothy 2: 2
Matthew 10: 8
You will do what...

The transition from inward to outward focus.

Acts 1: 8
Sharing your faith
Available - God does it
Evangelism is for introverts

Romans 8: 9
Prayer - God's desires - impossible.

Two barriers to having passion fot God
Is faith the mood of your soul?

Don't waste your life - "Do all to the glory of God"

"to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

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