August 17, 2008

What We Believe about Hell

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August 17, 2008

What We Believe
About Hell
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Our goal
What we believe greatly affects how we go about fulfilling that purpose
Are you more merciful than God? More compassionate? More just?
B. Sheol or Hades?
OT - Sheol (grave, hell, death) Abode of the dead
NT - Hades is the same place

Luke 16: 19 - 21
This the place that Lazarus and the rich man went.

Revelation 1: 18
Jesus has the keys to Hades and death -- basically synonyms.

Philippians 1: 23
After the resurrection - In the presence of Christ after death.

Revelation 20: 14
Gehenna - the eternal fire of hell.
C. What Happens when We Die?
Acts 24: 15
Resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

When we die we either go to be with Christ, or we go to the place of torment.
Philippians 1: 21 - 23
2 Corinthians 5: 8
Luke 16: 19 - 31
Luke 23: 43
D. Basis for Judgment
John 3:36
Rejection of the Son.

Revelation 20: 12
Things written in books

1 Corinthians 3: 12
1 Corinthians 9: 25
Saints rewarded according to deeds, not saved by them.

Luke 10: 20
The Book of Life

Romans 2: 5 - 11
Evidence of deeds.
No excuse (Luke 12: 47)

John 3: 16 - 18
The Lamb of God -- our Substitute.
E. Eternal
Degrees of punishment
Luke 12 :47
Romans 2 :5
Revelation 20 :12

The Word of God is clear and terrible.
Matthew 3: 12
Matthew 25: 41,46
Mark 9: 43,48
2 Thessalonians 1: 9
Matthew 25: 46

Other descriptions:
Matthew 23: 33
Matthew 13: 42,50
Jude 13
Revelation 21: 8

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