January 10, 2010

Why Peru? Why Now?

Service Type:

Why Peru? Why Now?
Steve Lane

A. Introduction

What a way to start the New Year! It fits with the vision of this church.

What we are asking of you this next year:
Matt 28: 18
Acts 2: 42
1 Thessalonians 1: 3
Theme verse for 2010: 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12

B. Ministry Produced by Faith
Work of faith, which automatically involves taking a risk for the sake of the gospel.
Faithful work that flows out of faith in Christ.
Let's not be satisfied with...
This work of faith (Peru) comes out of the general faith of the whole body.
Faith feels like risk.
Faith and growth in faith will include moments of crisis .
You must decide ahead of time who you will follow.

C. My Utmost for His Highest

Matt asked me to share the following with you after he returned from Turkey:
Oswald Chambers - My utmost for His Highest. Philippians 1:20

When we think too much about what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus...
A determination that nothing was going to stop him from doing exactly what God wanted,.
There is a crisis, and we have to decide: are we going to follow Jesus or not?

Matt's example from the Turkey trip
Luke 14:26 - 27

D. To Not have Faith is to Shrink Back

Hebrews 10: 35,39
Think about the New Years resolutions, playing catch with God
Setting yourself up to receive from Him... always blessing never harm.

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