January 1, 2012

You Have Been Called, and He Will Provide

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - You Have Been Called, and He Will Provide
Steve Lane

A. Review/Jesus desires to spend the The last night with His disciples

"I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you..." [Luke 22:15]
The mission of the Holy One of God, the very mission of God is soon to be handed over to them. He gives them another lesson in humility and the elimination of self focus

B. Entering the New Year

The disciples were about to embark on a whole new adventure....
I love new beginnings... a new day, and the potential of a new week, a new year...
As we head into the New Year we dare not just look ahead, we remember...
A note on understanding difficult times of a certain kind
"For the Lord will go before you" Step into the New Year thoughtfully considering the past and making adjustments but not being limited by the past

Looking back: 2 Pet 1:8...effective and productive
Dan 11:32 Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits - take action
Fruit bearing but much focus on real spiritual growth. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 - 12

C. You have been called and He will provide all you need to fulfil His call

Called, equipped, sent, - God is still the same - He provides what is needed
Exodus 3:10 - 12 I am sending you... I will be with you. Be faithful in the small things...
Exodus 4:1,2, 5 God does not leave those He calls without clear help and power to do
Jeremiah 1:4 - 10
Isaiah 49:2 - 4, 6 Called, equipped, sent. "He made my mouth like a sharpened sword..."

Isaiah 50:4 - 5 While He provides daily all we need our tendency is to draw back

D. Jesus reviews with His men and reminds them of the basics

Jesus wanted His men to remember the basics... like humility, prayer, partnership and resisting sin
Temptation is real and Satan is out to derail us...
Psalm 4:1 - 4 A warning; how long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Distraction from the call - what will you be distracted with in 2012?
Isaiah 43:22 Yet you have not called on Me O Jacob you have not wearied yourself for Me
Psalm 5:1 - 3 Expectation
Is 46:4 I have made you and I will carry you... I will sustain you this year

E. Preparation for the New Year - Thursday Night with Jesus

Mark 14 - Are you asleep? Could you not keep watch one hour?

Practical Help: SJCC Prayer Guide (pdf)
Also see ‘Training in Prayer’ message 6/5/11

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