February 18, 2007 Nehemiah Opposition to Building the Wall Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction - "We're in" Themes - Leadership, Sovereignty of God, Word, prayer, vision, risk, opposition... 722 BC :…

Builders of the Wall

February 11, 2007
February 11, 2007 Nehemiah Builders of the Wall Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction - "We're in" Themes - Leadership, Sovereignty of God, Word, prayer, vision, risk, opposition... 722 BC : Israel…
February 4, 2007 Nehemiah A Man of Purpose Steve Lane A. Review/Introduction Nehemiah - humble, leader, integrity, pure of heart and purpose, vision, determination Themes - 722 B.C. Israel defeated…

A Man of Prayer

January 28, 2007
January 28, 2007 Nehemiah A Man of Prayer Steve Lane A. Background One interpretation, many applications Themes - Leadership, Sovereignty of God/responsibility of man, God's word, prayer, vision, risk, opposition,…
January 21, 2007 Nehemiah Introduction Steve Lane A. Background One interpretation, many applications Themes - Leadership, Sovereignty of God/responsibility of man, God's word, prayer, vision, risk, opposition, following through, and…
January 14, 2007 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 16 Conclusion Steve Lane A. Intro Listen - respond B. Review The Word Psalm 119: 10 - 16 Yieldedness…
January 7, 2007 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 15 Don't Waste Your Time Steve Lane A. Review/Intro 1 Samuel 2: 35 I will raise up for Myself…
December 31, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 14 Don't Waste Your Life Steve Lane A. Review / Intro 1 Samuel 2: 35 I will raise up…
December 24, 2006 The Word Became Flesh Ken Verboncoeur John 1: 1-13 He is the WORD; He is the CREATOR of everything; He existed before all things were made; He…
December 10, 2006 What New Believers Need to Know - Part 13 Passion for God - Foundational Elements - Part 2 - Faith Steve Lane A. Review / Intro -…
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