December 24, 2006

The Word Became Flesh

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December 24, 2006

The Word Became Flesh

Ken Verboncoeur

John 1: 1-13 He is the WORD; He is the CREATOR of everything; He existed before all things were made; He is LIGHT; He is the way to adoption as God's Children
Luke 1: 26 - 50 The Child will be Named JESUS; He will be GREAT; He will be called the SON OF THE MOST HIGH; He will be called the SON OF GOD
Luke 2: 1 - 20 Shepherds worshiped the Baby born in a manger, recognizing Him as:
Luke 2: 25 - 33 Simeon worshiped the Baby, recognizing Him as:
The LORD'S CHRIST; Our SALVATION, a LIGHT for revelation
Matthew 2: 1 - 9 The Wise Men worshiped the Baby, recognizing Him as:
John 1: 14 - 16 He is the WORD become flesh; He is the ONE AND ONLY; He was before John
John 1: 29 - 34 He is the LAMB OF GOD, "who takes away the sin of the world;" He who will baptize with the Holy Spirit; He is the SON OF GOD
John 3: 16 - 21 He is God's ONE AND ONLY SON; He is LIGHT; He is the way to Salvation -- through BELIEF in Him
John 4: 7 - 14,
25 - 26 He is the giver of Living Water - and eternal life; He is the MESSIAH Called CHRIST
John 5: 19 - 24 He is the SON who gives life; He is the JUDGE
John 6: 25 - 35,
47 - 53 He is a RABBI; He is the SON OF MAN; He is the BREAD OF LIFE - True bread from Heaven - no more hunger, no more thirst; He is the LIVING BREAD that came down from heaven
John 7: 37 - 39 He is the Author of Living Water - streams of living water will flow from Him
John 8: 31 - 32,
57 - 58 He is the Author of FREEDOM and TRUTH - the truth will set you free; He was before Abraham
John 10: 7 - 18 He is the GATE for the sheep; He is the GOOD SHEPHERD - I lay down my life only to take it up again
John 10: 27 - 30 He is the Author of Eternal Life; He and the Father are ONE
John 11: 25 - 27 He is the RESURRECTION and the LIFE; He is the CHRIST and the SON OF GOD who has come into the world
John 12: 23 - 26
25 - 36, 44 - 46 He is the SON of MAN; He is the LIGHT "so that on one who believes in Me will remain in darkness"
John 13: 5 - 16,
34 - 35 He was a Servant for our salvation, and Example for us to follow; He is a Teacher and the LORD
John 14: 6 He is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE - no one comes to the Father but by Him
John 15: 1 - 17 He is the True Vine - neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Him
John 16: 33 - 17:5 He has overcome the world; He has authority over all people; He was with God before the world began
John 17: 16 - 26 He is not of the world; He prays also for those who will believe in Him - for unity; He was loved by God before the creation of the world
John 18: 36 - 38 His kingdom is not of this world; He is King - for this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world; He bore witness to the truth
John 19: 16: - 19,
23 - 24, 28 - 30,
41 - 42 He is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews
"It is finished" - the Lamb of God slain on our behalf
He was buried in a tomb
John 20: 3 - 9 He rose from the dead
Colossians 3: 1 - 4 He is seated at the right hand of God; He is our LIFE
Hebrews 7: 23 - 27 He lives forever; He intercedes for those who believe; He is exalted above the heavens;

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