
November 6, 2016
2 Chron 7:14 Matt 6:33

I Can See It Now

October 30, 2016
James 1:22-26
James 1:19-25 Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. 1 Peter 5:7 Ps 37:4
John 12:39-43 Romans 10:10 Matt 10:32-33 John 9:22 Mark 12:30 Matt 7:13-14


October 9, 2016
Baptism Two requirements: 1. Recognition of our need for Jesus - our sinful state 2. Belief in Jesus and His death on the cross as our substitute Regeneration 2 Cor…
James 1:15-18 Ps 37:4-6
1 Cor 11:23-32 1 Cor 10:16-17 Four things to look at before taking communion: 1- We need to look back - look at the cross - Remember what Jesus did…

Just Wait For God

September 18, 2016
James 1:5 James 1:12-15 Matt 4:1-11

Our Resolve is Good

September 11, 2016
James 1:5-12 Luke 2:52 This week, meditate about your walk with God. Are you poor or rich?

Focus on the Joy

September 4, 2016
James 1:1-5
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