September 9, 2012

All Believers share in the Death and new life of Jesus – 2

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BOFF: All Believers share in the Death and new life of Jesus Part 2
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
Double theme of Romans… blood and the cross
The guilt of sin has been dealt with and the power of sin broken!
No victory with out believing these basic truths.

B. All believers have died to sin
Romans 6: 1 – 2 It’s not a good question!

C. All believers have been baptized into Jesus Christ
Romans 6: 3 – 5, Galatians 2: 20

D. All believers should know that they have been crucified and raised with Christ
Romans 6: 6 – 7 Freed from sin – from the control of the sinful nature.
Separated from sin and its power [plug pulled]
Israelites followed Moses …separated from their old slave master 1 Cor 10: 1 – 2

Romans 6: 8 – 10Live with Him-Divine nature imparted. 1 Peter 1:3 – 4
Jesus’ death not only paid the penalty of human sin, but broke the power of indwelling sin in the believer’s life.
John 15: 5 Now a new source of life rather than the old self

E. All believers should count on the fact of their death to sin and resurrection to God through the Lord Jesus
Rom 6:11 What we must do For God’s intentions to be seen in us and to bear fruit. Romans 1:17, It is by faith

We must do two things:
1) Count, reckon yourself dead to sin and
2) Count, reckon yourself alive to God [Galatians 2:20, John 15:5]

F. All believers should yield themselves to God and not to sin
Romans 6: 12 – 13 Stop allowing the sinful nature to reign as king
Galatians 5: 16, Rom 12:1 – 2 If Christ is not reigning …. The old nature is!

G. All believers have been delivered from the reign of sin
Romans 6: 14 He produces fruit – more than resisting sin – abiding in Christ
Galatians 5: 16 – 18,Galatians 5:22 – 25, Col 2: 11 – 15, Rom 4: 3
“Faith always involves a decision of the will to act on what the mind believes”
The lion tamer and the lion …
Identification and the aroma of Christ that 2 Cor 2:15 -16
Walking down a path with electric fence on each side… Gal 5:22

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