July 13, 2014

I want to know Christ

Service Type:

Philippians Part 6-I want to know Christ
Steve Lane


Themes: Unity, humility as displayed by Jesus, growing in the character of Christ, true laborers/partners, knowing Him and having passion for Him, peaceful trust in God.

1. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling the present experience of God’s power to deliver.

2.Shine like stars as you hold out the Word of life.

3. Follow the example of this relationship with Timothy.

4. Follow the example of Epaphroditus.

A. Paul exhorts the Philippians to rejoice and to be on guard against the Judaizars

B. Paul’s former life of self-dependence and religious activity
Philippians 3:4-6 He had zeal, the right talk and even the right image

C. Paul renounced all self-attainments and trusted only in Christ
The overflow of our lives. Jesus. The aroma of Christ. 2Cor 2:15
Phil 3:7-9 He is giving an answer to the seeker and the long time believer.
Romans 3:20 and Romans 6 – The blood and the identification.
His human effort was coming between him and God so he laid down his works and self dependence… in fact he laid down everything.

D. Paul determined to really know Christ fully appropriating His death and resurrection
Philippians 3:10-12“I want to know Christ...”

No human example can explain it but examples can open the door to understanding –
God is relational at His core and He made us that way
Enormous unfathomable sacrifice was made to repair this relationship.
So if you somehow feel that reading your bible, going to church or praying is about accomplishing something you are missing the point.

Don’t get me wrong… God cares about sin. Sin separates!
Paul wants to be so connected to Jesus like the branch to the vine that fruit of the Vine is seen and tasted.

So in step and identified with Jesus that he even knows of the suffering
2Pet 1:3-4, Eph 1:18-20, Rom 1:16-17

And shares in His purpose in the world
Wanting to know God Exodus 33:14-18

When sacrifice and even suffering is not a regular part of reaching the lost

But when I know Him and my life is in step with Him I don’t even think about the sacrifice – it’s what I am about it’s the heart of Jesus in me. I want to know Him.

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