January 29, 2017

What is Required to Grow?

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What is Required to Grow?

"I will prepare, and someday my chance will come" - Abraham Lincoln

Eph 2:10
Phil 2:12
2 Thess 1:11-12

How can we put ourselves in a position to hear from God, be transformed and used by God?
1) Repent- Change the way we think, what we do, how we do it, our purpose, desires: give up my self will.
Hos 10:12

2) The Word
Ps 25:14
Ps 119:16
Heb 4:12
Acts 2:42

3) What fires you up? Are you developing to the fullest? For Christ's love compels us!
2 Cor 5:14

4) Attitude
Num 11:1
Ps 100:4
John 4:50

5) Fellowship/relationships - A next step, gathering with a set purpose
Acts 2:42-47
Phil 1:27

6) Life on life gospel sharing
1 Thess 1:5-7

7) Group vision and personal vision, not just surviving
Prov 29:18
Matt 28:18

8) Prayer - the more all these others are desired and happening the more powerful and intimate your prayer life will be.
Col 4:2-3

9) Worship is best interwoven into all of these, a natural overflow of praise and thanksgiving to God

and finally...trials!

Conclusion: Acts 2:42-47

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