January 6, 2008

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Service Type:

January 6, 2008
When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Ken Verboncoeur

1. Review
We serve a loving God
God shares in our pain and suffering
God's ways are not our ways Romans 11: 33 - 34

2. Introduction

Dangerous directions for Christians when it comes to pain and suffering:
We attribute all suffering to God - seeing it as punishment for human mistakes
(Philip Yancey)

Assuming that life without God will never include suffering (PY)

Assuming that God will make Christians suffer more

Why do Good People Suffer?

Pain and suffering in this world helps us recognize the need for God (justification)
Matthew 19: 23 Romans 8: 20 - 22

God uses pain and suffering to make us more like Christ - Endurance leads to Hope (sanctification)
John 17: 15 -17 Romans 5: 3 - 5

God uses pain and suffering to discipline those He loves
Hebrews 12: 7 - 11

God uses pain and suffering in our life as a witness to the world
Hebrews 12: 1

4. Why Do We Fight It?

The personal loss is overwhelming.

We lack faith in God's promises - we have a short-term perspective.
Colossians 1: 11 -13 2 Corinthians 4: 17 Romans 8: 18

We lack a true understanding of who God is.
Romans 9: 20

We do not rest in His Authority.
Genesis 2: 7 Psalm 103: 13 - 14

5. What Can We do to Prepare for Pain and Suffering?

Develop true wisdom
Job 28: 20 Job 28: 28 Psalm 9: 10 Jeremiah 29: 13

We can seek God and true wisdom through:
- Reading the Bible
- Praying faithfully
- Fellowship and sharing with the body
- Avoiding the wisdom of the world
Prepare for suffering and testing and, when necessary, for discipline.
- Don't be caught by surprise
- Don't forget who God is, and don't forget who you are. Rest in His authority
- Don't forget God's promises
Rest in God when it comes. Keep one foot in the air

"Even in the best of health we should keep death always before our eyes [so that] we will not expect to remain on this earth forever, but will have one foot in the air, so to speak"

-Martin Luther

Hebrews 10: 32 - 34

6. Summary

2 Corinthians 6: 1 - 10

"Faith like Job's cannot be shaken, because it is the result of having been shaken."

-Rabbi Abraham Heschel

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