2012-09-02 BOFF: All Believers share in the Death and new life of Jesus Steve Lane A. Assurance of God’s love for us Romans 5:6 – 8 Ever doubt God’s love…
012-08-26 BOFF: By Faith into this grace which we now stand! Steve Lane B. Review What are you counting on to be accepted by God? Every day… Double theme: Justification…
2012-08-19 BOFF: Righteousness by faith Steve Lane A. Review Introduction to Romans What are you counting on to be accepted by God? Justification by Faith alone Victorious living Key verses:…

Righteousness by faith

August 12, 2012
2012-08-12 Building on Firm Foundations: Righteousness by faith Steve Lane B. Review Introduction to Romans What are you counting on to be accepted by God? Justification by Faith alone Victorious…
2012-08-05 BOFF: Introduction to Romans Steve Lane A. Historical setting and circumstance Paul was writing this letter to the church at Rome, the hub Roman Empire He wrote from Corinth…
2012-07-29 Gifts of the Spirit: Weakness, Faith and Power Steve Lane A. Review- Acts 29 in Action A person on a back street of Jordan puts their trust in Jesus….…
2012-07-22 Gifts of the Spirit Steve Lane A. Review Finished Acts… next steps Will you believe? B. Acts 29 in Action This whole thing is going somewhere – A person…
2012-07-15 Paul's fourth missionary journey: Will you believe? Steve Lane A. Review End of the third journey – Ephesian elders Acts 21:1 B. Paul at Jerusalem and Caesarea Left in…
2012-07-08 Building on Firm Foundations: Paul's third missionary journey Steve Lane Review What have We Learned About the missionary team Consider your call We get to watch a church on…
2012-07-01 Building on Firm Foundations: Man on fire Steve Lane Review What Made Them So Fruitful? I want to know. Consider your call – next steps John 14:27 I left…
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